Industrial Baskets

Photo Gallery 12’s

12″ x 12″ Baskets

12 x 12 Poly/Stainless Super Heavy Duty Poly Basket Bottom

12×12 Poly/Stainless Super Heavy Duty Basket with Rod Insert Handle

12 x 12 Poly/Stainless Super Heavy Duty Poly Basket w/06 Bottom

12×12 Poly/Stainless Super Heavy Duty Poly Basket with 06 Bottom

12" Poly/Stainless Heavy Duty Basket

12″ Poly/Stainless Heavy Duty Basket

ID of 12" Stainless Steel Mesh Lined Basket

ID of 12″ Stainless Steel Mesh Lined Basket

12" Standard Duty Plastic Basket, Plastic Handle

12×12 Standard with Poly Handle

12 x 12 Heavy Duty Industrial Polypro Basket, SS Handle

12×12 Heavy Basket with Stainless Steel Handle

12x12 Super Heavy Duty PP Basket w/Rod Insert Stainless Handle

12×12 Super Heavy Duty PP Basket with Rod Insert Stainless Handle

12x12 Basket with a Poly Mesh Liner

12×12 Basket with Poly Mesh Liner

12 x 12 PP Basket with Nobles Notches

12″ Basket with Notches for Nobles Dryer

12" Stainless Steel Mesh Lined Polypro Basket

12″ Stainless Steel Mesh Lined Polypro Basket